SourDough Starter II (Sponge Batter)


From Wikipedia – Sourdough is a bread product made by a long fermentation of dough using naturally occurring lactobacilli and yeasts.


  • 2 cups all purpose flour
  • 2 cups warm water
  • 1 package dry yeast


Step 1

Combine ingredients and mix well. Place in a warm spot or closed cupboard overnight. In the morning, put 1/2 cup of the starter in a sterile pint jar with a tight lid. Store in the refrigerator for future use. The rest can be used for bread, pancakes and waffles.

Step 2

To use the starter again, place it in a medium sized mixing bowl. Add 2 cups flour, beat well and set in a warm place to develop overnight. In the morning the batter will have gained 1/2 again its bulk and will be mixed with air bubbles. It should have a pleasant yeasty odor. Now set aside 1/2 cup in the fridge for your next sour dough starter recipe.

We have many recipes on this site for bread, waffles, and pancakes using this sponge batter.


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