LaPlace Seafood Gumbo

  • Yield : 10
  • Servings : 10
  • Prep Time : 45m
  • Cook Time : 0m
  • Ready In : 45m
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Cajun are really a unique culture and there are regional differences in both language and food. There are so many different types of gumbos. The file’ and a small amount of roux are used for the thickening agent.


  • 2 pounds shrimp peeled and cleaned
  • 2 large onions chopped
  • 2 dozen crab halves
  • 1 bunch green onions - scallions
  • 1 pound smothered okra
  • 4 tbsp file' gumbo
  • 2 large cooking spoons flour
  • 1/4 cup flour
  • salt, black pepper and cayenne to taste


Step 1

First you make a roux with two large cooking spoons of flour and 1/4 cup cooking oil. Keep the roux consistency more like a liquid rather than thick. Brown the mixture but don't overdo it as it may get a burnt taste.

Step 2

Add the smothered okra to the roux and cook it for another five minutes, adding onions and scallions.

Step 3

Add a gallon and half of water, the shrimp and crabs and let it cook down to 3/4 the way. Add the file' (whether or not a roux is made) to taste.

Editors Note: When the older Cajuns made okra gumbo, roux was not added to the dish. Hence the comments. We have on our website two prepare okra where there is not any slime left in the dish. The slime is generally what turns people off to okra. The recipes are titled Stewed (Smothered) Okra and Easy Cook Okra-Oven Style.

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Laplace, Louisiana Louisiana
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