Cajun-style Grilled Yellowfin Tuna


“After I moved to Kansas City, Missouri, I ran across a problem: I wanted to make traditional Cajun food, but did not have all of the ingredients I needed available to me. This recipe is representative of the Cajun lifestyle, using what we have around us, and making something great out of it. I chose to use Yellowfin Tuna due to its availability here in Kansas City and for the health benefits associated with tuna.”


  • 4 (8oz) Yellowfin Tuna Steaks
  • 3 tbsp Extra virgin olive oil
  • 2 tsp lemon juice
  • 2 tsp Cayenne pepper
  • 2 tsp black pepper
  • 2 tsp dried parsley
  • 1 tsp thyme
  • dash salt


Step 1

Coat skillet or pan with olive oil. Place each of the raw steaks in the oil and then remove, just to coat the fish with oil. Set aside.

Step 2

In a small mixing bowl, combine all the dry ingredients (cayenne, black pepper, parsley, thyme, and salt) and mix together. Rub the tuna steaks with this dry mixture. Be sure to get the mixture on all parts of the steak.

Step 3

Heat the oil in the skillet over a medium to medium high heat. Place the steaks in the oil and cook for 3-5 minutes on each side. Ideally, yellowfin tuna should be eaten when cooked rare to medium rare, but can be enjoyed when cooked thoroughly. The dry mixture will make somewhat of a crust on the outside of the fish.

Step 4

When both sides are cooked to your preference, remove the fish from the pan and top with lemon juice.

Recommended Sides - This dish would go well atop or along with any salad. I would also suggest a light pasta or rice side to accompany this dish.


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