Homemade Maple Syrup


An old fashioned and inexpensive method of preparing your own pancake and waffle syrup. There are many variations such as adding a little vanilla extract, or any flavor extract you prefer. Plus you have hot syrup with no fuss! So when you reach out and find you are out of cane syrup, this may be your ticket to having syrup with your petit déjeuner ou souper.


  • 2 cups sugar
  • 1 cup water
  • 1 tsp Maple extract- (Author like Mapeline Brand)
  • Butter Flavor optional


Step 1

Bring sugar and water to a full boil-for a thicker syrup keep boiling till you reach the consistency you like. I like it thin so I stop after reaching a boil.

Step 2

Then remove from heat, add the maple flavoring (and any optional flavors) and stir and enjoy!

Step 3

Easy to double--just remember twice as much sugar as water.


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