Shrimp Stuffed Rib Eye Steaks

  • Yield : 4
  • Servings : 4
  • Prep Time : 20m
  • Cook Time : 40m
  • Ready In : 60m
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Two of the best, rib eye steaks and shrimp, joined together to make a scrumptious meal.


  • 1 cup shrimp peeled uncooked
  • 1/4 cup onion
  • 1/4 cup bell pepper
  • 1 tbsp garlic chopped
  • 4 rib-eye steaks, 3/4 - 1 inch thick
  • 1 tsp Cajun seasoning
  • 1 cups Italian salad dressing
  • 2 tbsp Worcestershire sauce


Step 1

Grind together the uncooked shrimp, bell pepper, onions, garlic and pinch of salt and pepper in a food processor until mixture is ground to the consistency of paste.

Step 2

Slit a pocket in each steak, but do not let the slit go all the way through.

Step 3

Stuff each steak with the shrimp mixture and secure with two toothpicks.

Step 4

Season steaks with Cajun seasonings and marinade steaks with the Italian dressing and Worcestershire sauce a minimum of 2 hours; turning at least halfway thru the process.

Step 5

Grill the steaks making sure the shrimp mixture is cooked; about 10 minutes on each side should do. Place in oven and cook at 350 degrees for 20 minutes.

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Kaplan, Louisiana Louisiana
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