Low Carb Cheesy Mashed Potatoes

  • Yield : 4
  • Servings : 4
  • Prep Time : 5m
  • Cook Time : 30m
  • Ready In : 35m
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Sometimes us Cajuns have to watch what we eat; this is the alternative to the real mashed potatoes when on a low carb diet.


  • 16 ounces cauliflower
  • 8 ounces shredded cheese your choice
  • 4 ounces cream cheese
  • 2 tbsp butter
  • optional red and black pepper to taste


Step 1

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Boil cauliflower until extremely tender. Drain water and mash with fork until smooth as possible. (I put mine in the blender)

Step 2

Pour into 9x9 casserole and bake about 30-40 minutes until cheese is completely melted and turning slightly golden brown on top.

Step 3

Let stand five minutes then serve.


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Kaplan, Louisiana Louisiana
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