Cajun Fried Ribs

  • Yield : 4
  • Servings : 4
  • Prep Time : 30m
  • Cook Time : 15m
  • Ready In : 45m
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The spices in this recipe are perfect; garlic always seems to compliment the pork flavor.


  • 1 whole slab pork ribs
  • 4 tbsp garlic salt
  • 2 tbsp Cajun seasonings
  • crushed red pepper
  • flour
  • peanut oil


Step 1

Season ribs on each side with Cajun seasonings, garlic salt and crushed red pepper. Marinate for a minimum of 2 hours, and up to 24 hours in your refrigerator.

Step 2

Coat slab with flour, then deep fat fry in 350 degree peanut oil for 15 to 20 minutes.

You can also use this recipe with your deep fat fryer outside as you do for your turkeys and also inject the meat with strained Italian dressing for moister ribs.

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