Strawberry Sherbet


A cool and sweet treat perfect for summer days. My children and guests love it when I serve this at our summer parties.


  • 2 (14 oz) cans condensed milk
  • 2 quarts milk
  • 2 packages frozen strawberries
  • 8 strawberry sodas


Step 1

If strawberries are whole or halves, cut in pieces

Step 2

Mix all ingredients and pour into a one gallon freezer container.

Step 3

Place the mixture in the ice cream maker and follow manufactures instructions. To freeze the ice cream use 8 parts ice and 1 part salt. Finely crushed ice melts faster and hastens the freezing, so it is best to crush the larger pieces. Follow ice cream maker manufacturing instructions

Step 4

After it's frozen, scoop out and serve!

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Crowley, Louisiana Louisiana
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