Strawberry Fig Jam I


Figs jams can be made with virtually any Kool Aid flavors – the original six flavors were Strawberry, Raspberry, Orange, Lemon-Lime, Grape, and Cherry, Although not all are a perfect choice, many are suitable to flavor figs including Black Cherry,

To reduce the amount of sugar and sweetness, Kool-Aid flavors can be used instead of Jello.



  • 4 cups fresh figs ground
  • 3 cups sugar
  • 1 large box strawberry jello


Step 1

Clean figs; cut stems off and grind in meat grinder or food processor.

Step 2

Put figs in large, heavy-duty pot. Pour the sugar over the figs, then the jello. Let the mixture soak for 30 to 45 minutes.

Step 3

Cook over medium heat until mixture comes to a boil. Lower heat and cook on low for 30 minutes after the mixture comes to a boil. The mixture is not real thick.

Step 4

Dip the canning jars and lids in hot water to sterilize.

Step 5

Pour figs into the canning jars that have been placed in hot water so the jars will not break. Seal, cool and store.

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Kaplan, Louisiana Louisiana
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