Steen’s Popcorn Ball


Sugarcane is a plentiful crop in South Louisiana. So most everyone grew up eating cane syrup. One of the more familiar marketers of this syrup is the Steen’s Syrup company.


  • 2 cups Steen's Cane Syrup
  • 1/3 tbsp butter or margarine
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 2 quarts popped popcorn
  • Salted peanuts (optional)


Step 1

Pop the popcorn according to package directions. Combine with the peanuts if you are choose to add them.

Step 2

In a heavy duty pan over a low fire, combine the syrup and salt and boil to the hard boil stage (when a small amount dropped in a cup of water becomes brittle).

Step 3

Remove from the heat and add the butter. Coat the popcorn and shape into balls about the size of a hardball or softball. Careful when you first pour the syrup, it is hot (C'est chaud)!


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