Flank Steak

  • Yield : 4 - 6
  • Servings : 4 - 6
  • Prep Time : 0m
  • Cook Time : 25m
  • Ready In : 25m
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Flank was once considered the “bottom of the barrel” type of meat. Now, it has gained in both popularity and price. Still a wonderful piece of beef to prepare.


  • 1 Flank steak (1/2 pound to 3/4 pound per person)
  • unseasoned meat tenderizer
  • Worcestershire sauce
  • wine
  • vinegar
  • onions for sautéing
  • 1 -2 cans mushroom steak sauce


Step 1

Pierce flank steak with fork. Rub in the unseasoned meat tenderizer and Worcestershire sauce.

Step 2

Sauté onions and mix with the brown gravy mushroom sauce and set aside.

Step 3

Marinate the meat in a little wine and vinegar.

Step 4

Set the broiler oven to high and broil the steak until brown on one side and flip. On the second side, take it out before completely browned.

Step 5

Cover the steak with the onion gravy and serve hot.


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Crowley, Louisiana Louisiana
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