
Hopping John Black Eye Peas

Hopping John Black Eye Peas

Our recipe submitter writes: I'm not Cajun, just an ole Mississippi boy, but my Granddaughter married a boy from Mamou…

January 1, 2010

Gloria’s Crock-Pot Roast

A dear friend of mine shared this recipe with me several years ago, and I have never cooked a roast…

June 23, 2009

Stinky & Foo’s Caj-Mex Cornbread

Mouth-watering Caj-Mex Cornbread that can be a meal in itself or as a side dish.

January 18, 2009

Nadine’s Eggplant Ritz Casserole (Mirliton or Squash can be used)

This dish is so versatile as you can use either eggplant, squash or mirlitons (chayote vegetable pear squash). I am…

January 3, 2009

Creole Beef Vegetable Soup

A delicious, spicy soup with a delightful after taste!

January 1, 2009

Cajun Seven (7) Steak

A common Cajun dish is smothered 7 steaks. Cooked very simply with very browned onions, garlic, bell pepper, and generally…

December 7, 2008

Beef Stew

This is a great comfort food!

November 22, 2008

Wanda’s Stuffed Hamburger

These are the best burgers I've ever eaten. My sister Wanda has been making these for as long as I…

November 15, 2008