Categories: Cajun Country Blog

Learn Cajun French

I’m extremely excited! I’ve been a bit down lately about not knowing how to speak my mother’s first language, Cajun French and last Tuesday, I decided to do something about it.

For many years, I’d hear my mom speak French to her friends and accuse her of  “talking about us in French so we couldn’t understand”. I always thought that French was something you learned as an adult, not as a kid. After 26 years of waiting, I realized that my teaching was long overdue. Since having my mom teach me Cajun French would be impractical, I decided I’d have to learn it myself from a book — preferably an audiobook.

After reading a few reviews at Amazon, I decided to order “Cajun Self-Taught” by Rev. Jules O. Daigle. While Amazon was cheaper than the cover price, it was going to take one to two months for delivery! I thought it’d be better to support an independent record shop anyway and went with the oldest in Louisiana — Floyd’s Records. After waiting about a week, the book and CDs were delivered to my office in Los Angeles!

If you don’t yet know Cajun French and like the idea of learning it, you can buy the audio cassetts or CDs and the book from Just do a search on their page for Cajun Self-Taught and include all words.

I’ll keep you all updated on my progress 😀

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