Categories: Cajun Country Blog in the Kaplan Herald is featured in an article in this week’s edition of the Kaplan Herald. From what I can tell, we are even on the front page!

The Herald is a really small newspaper publication but I grew up with it and I’m proud to be on it. This is actually the second the time RCR is featured in it. The first time around comes with a funny story.

My Maw-maw LeMaire lived in the same apartment in Kaplan ever since I was born. After all her 8 kids moved out, she had to move into a smaller apartment. I visited her there one time and a week after the first RCR article appeared in the Herald, I was visiting Kaplan and I went to see my grandma again.

I approached my maw-maw’s apartment and knocked on the door. An unfamiliar face answered. She looked to be about my grandma’s age and was surprised to see this unknown visitor so late at night. “Uhhmm. You aren’t my grandma” I said, surprised. She laughed and said “No baby. Your grandma lives next door.” Weird. How does she know? “How do you know who I am?”, I asked. “Well sugar, I saw you in da paper.”

At this point I couldn’t help but burst out laughing. “Only in a small town” I thought.

So we’re back in the K-town paper and already people are signing our guestbook. Hoorah 😀 I’d provide a direct link but because of spam bots, I disabled direct linking to the /guestbook/ section.

The article can be read here. Thanks Ms. Judy for letting us talk about our site in “da paper”. We really appreciate it!

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