Health Conscious

Spicy Pecans

Spicy Pecans

Pecans are popular in Cajun culture used in making the ever popular pralines, cakes and cookies. Here is another way…

October 27, 2004

South (Holly) Beach Quick Tasso Tacos

This South Beach friendly soft taco recipe is low carb and quick to make. This is a Nouveau Cajun dish…

October 11, 2004

South (Holly) Beach Quick Quesadillas

This South Beach friendly quesadilla recipe is low carb and quick to make. This is a Nouveau Cajun dish. All…

October 5, 2004

Weight Watchers Strawberry Pie

For anyone doing Weight Watchers, one piece of this pie is only 4 points. I have made this with all…

May 31, 2004

Cinnamon Bread Pudding for Diabetics

With the increase of diabetes (which unfortunately runs rampant in the Cajun culture), this recipe provides you a diabetic-friendly version…

May 31, 2004

Oven Fried Turnips

A low-carb alternative to potatoes! Remember, good-quality turnips will be very firm, smooth-skinned and heavy for their size. The coloring…

May 27, 2004

Chrissy’s Vegetarian Rice Dressing

After seeing Yves Vegetarian Ground Round at my local grocer, I realized it would be possible to make a rice…

April 7, 2004

Mawmaw LeMaire’s Cabbage and Apple Slaw

Simple, Good and Fast to prepare.  

May 20, 2003