Flo’s Pepper and Vinegar PeMonTa

  • Yield : 3 pints
  • Servings : 3 pints
  • Prep Time : 25m
  • Cook Time : 25m
  • Ready In : 50m
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From Trappey’s Pepper Plant in New Iberia, LA: Did you know that peppers, both hot and mild, contain an ingredient that can actually make you feel better? It’s called capsaicin, and it’s a natural stimulant that causes the release of endorphins. (Endorphins are the body’s natural painkiller, and can create a sense of well-being, increase the heart rate and speed up metabolism.) It’s no wonder that peppers can actually be habit-forming! Must be why dem Cajuns love peppers!


  • 1 cup ground fresh peppers (Tabasco, Chiles, or Jalapenos)
  • 1 1/2 cup vinegar


Step 1

Grind or finely chop the peppers and seeds. Grind to the point that you can still make out that it is peppers (a little larger than the size of the pepper seeds). Do not grind to mushy.

Step 2

Fill jars with ground peppers and set aside. Heat vinegar; pour and seal at once in hot sterilized jars.


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Kaplan, Louisiana Louisiana
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