Old Fashioned Beignets

  • Yield : 1
  • Servings : 15-20
  • Prep Time : 20m
  • Cook Time : 6m
  • Ready In : 26m
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Beignets made the old fashioned way without yeast. This method is as simple as making a batter and spooning into the hot oil. OLD FASHIONED BEIGNETS are wonderful and considering how little work they are to put together, they are a real treat and make there own pattern when dropped. A few pantry staples, hot oil and powdered sugar are all you need for this delicious piece of heaven.

Beignets are commonly known in the U.S. as a dessert served with powdered sugar on top, however, they may be savory dishes as well and may contain meat, vegetables, or fruits. Beignets are traditionally prepared right before consumption to be eaten fresh and hot. The most popular drink served with this type of no hole doughnut is Café au lait (heated coffee and heated milk) popularized contemporarily in part by Café du Monde in New Orleans.


  • 2 cups flour
  • 1 cup milk
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tbsp sugar
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • pinch of baking soda
  • powdered sugar for dusting
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla optional
  • 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon nutmeg may be added optional


Step 1

Sift the dry ingredients into bowl.

Step 2

Add milk and egg and mix well.

Step 3

Drop by the spoonful into deep fat-oil heated to 375 degrees.

Step 4

Beignets will flip on their own

Step 5

Fry until golden and drain on paper towels.

Step 6

Serve with syrup or dust heavily sifting the powdered sugar on the beignets.

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Kaplan, Louisiana Louisiana
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