Holly Beach Aftermath

By : Chrissy LeMaire | 0 Comments | On : September 26, 2005 | Category : Cajun Country Blog

I saw a few people found this blog while searching for information about Holly Beach after Rita.

Sorry to report folks, Holly Beach is only foundations and sticks. T&T’s is gone. The Daquari Shop is gone. Every single thing. Here’s a before picture.

Here is an after picture, courtsey of the Associated Press.

Both the New York Times and the Los Angeles Times have our favorite beach on the cover.

The second I saw Rita was heading for Sabine, I got out my necklace made with a Holly Beach shell and some crab string I got at T&T’s. I also got one of those white shell necklaces and put that on too. It’s some sort of comfort — I just wish I could be there to help.

But Holly Beach will return! A few nice visitors to the blog commented that their family will rebuild as soon as its allowed. Hell, I may even buy some property there and cart in a poodoo trailor. I just hope T&T’s gift shop comes back too.


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