Merliton Dressing


Merliton is also known as chayote, custard marrow, christophene, chouchoute and mango squash. For all these exotic names, this is simply a type of squash family, made particularly yummy in this recipe.


  • 8 -10 merlitons
  • 3 tsp to 4 butter or margarine
  • 1 onion, chopped
  • 1 bell pepper, chopped
  • 2 celery stalks, chopped
  • 1 pound shrimp deveined (optional)
  • 1/2 pound ham or turkey ham
  • 1/2 pound smoked sausage
  • Creole seasoning to taste
  • Onion and garlic powder to taste


Step 1

Boil merlitons in a large stockpot until soft but not mushy. Drain stock from merliton and reserve for later. Let cool slightly; peel and de-seed.

Step 2

Sauté onion, bell pepper, and celery in butter until translucent.

Step 3

Boil shrimp until orange in color, drain and set aside. The shrimp stock may be kept.

Step 4

Cut ham and sausage into small pieces. Boil lightly or brown turkey ham and sausage. You may keep stock if you like to as well.

Step 5

Cut merliton into small chunks, a potato masher may be used. Add meat, sautéed and powdered seasoning to taste. Add breadcrumbs, butter/margarine, and stock to mixture until desired consistency is achieved. Sprinkle breadcrumbs into a baking dish. Place mixture into dish and sprinkle with more breadcrumbs.

Step 6

Bake in a 350 degree oven for 30 minutes or until brown.


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