Portrait of a Cajun Family

By : Chrissy LeMaire | 0 Comments | On : February 10, 2006 | Category : Cajun Country Blog

I sometimes check the keywords that people use to find our site and I always laugh when I see people searching for “What does a Cajun family look like?” I imagine that they think that we wear torn knee-high jeans, carry fishing poles and wear gator-teeth necklaces.

For those who are interested, here’s what my Cajun family + my Yankee step-dad looks like:


And my lil brother, Ben.


Cajun families generally come in two shades — French and Spanish. Judging from the blaring whiteness of my arms, I’d imagine that we’re mostly French. Some Cajun families, such as the Landrys in Breaux Bridge (see Ali Landry), are olive-toned and most likely have a heavy Spanish background.

And here’s our Cajun mother and father; both are native Cajun French speakers.


As you can see, we look like many other modern American families. We probably just cook a little better 😉


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