Archive for February 2006

Portrait of a Cajun Family

By: Chrissy LeMaire | On: February 10, 2006 | Category : Cajun Country Blog

I sometimes check the keywords that people use to find our site and I always laugh when I see people searching for “What does a Cajun family look like?” I imagine that they think that we wear torn knee-high jeans, carry fishing poles and wear gator-teeth necklaces. For those who... more

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Cajun English

By: Chrissy LeMaire | On: February 5, 2006 | Category : Cajun Country Blog

I’ve often heard the term “Cajun French” but I can’t recall ever hearing the term “Cajun English” until I came across the PBS series “Do You Speak American?” Come to think about it, that’s a great way to explain how most Cajuns speak. I know from experience that a lot... more

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